Reiki – using the power of energy

As with acupuncture and acupressure, Reiki (a treatment of Japanese origin) works with energy. Stress and other causes can however retain energies, which are then unavailable for the healing process. I experienced the positive energy of this treatment on my own body while suffering from a serious illness. From that moment on, I have used Reiki methods to identify blocks and use them in the energy work in the framework of my optional treatment.

Conventional medicine is also increasingly turning to the energetic effects of Reiki ; for example, in the Accident & Emergency hospital in Berlin, the Charité Teaching Hospital, 5 permanent Reiki therapists were hired who carry out approximately 4000 treatments each year. Astonishing success was obtained through such treatments with, amongst others, patients suffering from chronic pain for whom further treatment was considered impossible. Through the use of Reiki, an accelerated healing process, few negative side effects from medication, better sleep patterns and increased appetite can also be observed in other diseases. For this purpose, studies on the scientific accompaniment of patients, who undertake additional Reiki treatment, will not only be continuously carried out at the Accident & Emergency hospital in Berlin. Reiki helps me to, amongst other things, detect the energy problems of my patients and understand them in order to direct the energy flux in the right direction.

I would be happy to discuss how I might be able to help you during an introductory no obligation offer. Phone me on 030 – 45 02 61 88 or contact me via e-mail on In addition, I will shortly be offering a Rieki training course for medico-therapeutical application and invite anyone interested to contact me on the above phone number and e-mail address.