Easy learning: the Brain Gym® Course
This course will be held in English and German
Discovering your very own tool kit for managing your thinking and your feelings effectively through specific techniques and exercises becomes crucial in this fast paced life. With Brain Gym® techniques you can jumpstart on days when it feels like your battery is flat, rewire some circuits and flick on the trip switch enabling you to be a consistent peak performer at work and play.
You will discover how to use the Brain Gym® program in your daily life. Learn how to apply the Brain Gym® movement program and five step balance process to benefit yourself and others. The simple, flexible and portable techniques you take away are yours for life.
The Brain Gym® course introduces the 26 easy and enjoyable targeted exercises used to integrate the mind and body for truly remarkable results in physical and mental performance.
A powerful five step balance process which includes: Getting ready to learn, Goal setting, Anchoring using Noticing techniques. Specific balances for improving reading, writing, spelling, mathematics, attention, concentration and comprehension, organisational skills, coordination of movement and stress reduction
10 am – 6pm / 10 – 18h
ATTENTION: Please register BY EMAIL: info@pernaturacura.de
or call 0174 613 48 95 / 45 02 61 88
295 €
Buddy rate: 250 € early pay bird/ 275 € later – each, for two or more registering together
Fee includes course notes, snacks, one to one support and tuition for a year after completing this course by phone, text and email. You will also qualify to attend our practice days and further courses .